Such Plans + A Rant About Abortion (Yay!)

Maybe I haven't harped on this enough, but 2021 is going to be a year of big changes. The baby could start arriving any day now. What wonders and horrors await us. Are we ready? I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I love taking care of little creatures, and I love my family. This is us growing a new family member from scratch. And kids can be difficult, but I'm no stranger to difficult people.

Anti-abortionists are deluded scum, by the way. I understand WHY they hold the opinions they hold. If I was crazy/ignorant enough to believe that abortion was state-sanctioned genocide, I'd be against it too. But it's not. And pregnancy is not a fucking morality play. People get abortions for many reasons, none of which are the business of America's spiritually and philosophically-impaired cult fraternities, known colloquially as churches (among other houses of worship). A fertilized egg is not a baby. A fetus, at any stage, should be treated like a part of its mother's body until it is born. And as many others have pointed out, time and again, abortion rates don't decline in areas of high religiosity. It's easy to be an ideologue about someone else's body, but when the issue is close to home, most people suddenly find it in their oh-so-godly hearts to make an exception. Not that god has fuck-all to do with a legitimate medical operation.

Now that I've gotten that tangent off my chest, let's get back to talking about me. 

After paternity leave is over, it's time to build my skills. I'm tired of being tech-adjacent. Time to go for that brass ring. I don't want to fight to make ends meet, and I feel no shame in future-proofing my life. The idea of being a full-time writer is definitely ALLURING, but it is just that. An idea. A romantic fantasy. I know what the reality entails, and I don't have the stomach for it. Or the wallet. I'll keep writing, but not because I think I'm gonna be a full-time novelist someday.


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