New Year, Baby

I don't usually say this type of thing, but I'm so happy that 2020 is over. And I say that as a fortunate white guy living middle class in this rapidly-declining gerontocracy. There were a few setbacks - I got hit with a temporary pay cut and Whitney was furloughed for three months - but we kept our jobs, and our home, and our health. Many, many people did not and will not have those luxuries in the near future. What a fucking year. I don't want to think about what the situation would be like if Trump had gotten reelected. Part of my relief is just knowing, whatever else happens, this ridiculous fucking farce of an administration is coming to an end. 

This will be a short entry. My productivity has actually picked up, so I'd like to get to work on some of the things that are in desperate need of my attention. 

Happy 2021, the Year of the Sealab.


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